
Enjoy life, achieve your goals and live well – Grow You

You don’t know what you don’t know

Businesses develop teams and experts around them to support their business. Why shouldn’t you?

So at MDT Connect we have done that for you. All you have to do is connect with us and become part of our community.

Financial Wellness Defined

The underlying basis of financial wellness is financial security. It relates to the ability of a person to manage their finances for short term needs while saving for mid and long term goals.

Our program has been designed to improve financial behavior and outcomes.


So what is Financial wellness?

Financial wellness is a mindset forged from the way a person evaluates their finances and how it makes them feel – it’s not about being rich.

The Statistics

Financial stress can happen to anyone, even those who try and manage their money well. So remember you are not alone.

The Results

Financial issues remain the top source of stress for the nation with “more than half of Australians identifying finances as the leading cause of stress.”

Health and wellness are integrated

Mental, physical and financial wellness are interconnected. Personal financial issues can be the key source of stress for employees and can impact their physical and mental health.
Is financial wellness part of your health strategy?

Program elements designed to Grow You.



A web & mobile solution to provide savings on your household expenditure.

Financial Literacy


An any time solution. Be informed, educated and responsible for your decisions. Your Financial Wellness

Starting Financial


Having the right Finance foundations and structure forms the cornerstone towards achieving your Financial Wellness for the benefit of you and your family.

Money Management


Development of tailored, monitored program for you and your family to reduce debt and grow.